Daily Finds: Wednesday, February 2

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Just a note: As I mentioned in the daily newsletter, a huge snow/ice storm is expected in my area today and could knock out power or internet services, making blogging impossible for me. I’ll be back with more deals when I can. Thanks for following along and enjoy the snow.



The Stone Wall
By Lewis, Beverly

$1.99 or Less

Chance of Loving You
By Blackstock, Terri, Warren, Susan May, Calvert, Candace

Tattie Maggard is the author of several Christian fiction novels, novellas, and short stories. She also runs a deals-type blog for Christian Kindle books at www.ChristianBookFinds.com and maintains more blogs than she can keep up with. She loves homeschooling her daughter, reading nutrition articles, and singing in church with her ukulele. She hates spiders, appointments that force her to leave the house, and all things social media.


Daily Finds: Thursday, February 3


Daily Finds: Tuesday, February 1